Frequently asked questions

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Will I save money by choosing a non-utility supplier?
Third party suppliers are not regulated by the CPUC, although they are licensed and must follow utility gas rules. As in any competitive market, retailers are free to set their own prices for their products, placing responsibility on the consumer to shop around. But increased competition has been shown to expand product options and drive prices lower to benefit the consumer.
If I choose a non-utility gas supplier, will my service be disrupted or does the reliability of my service change?
No, the switching process is seamless, and the flow of gas never stops. Only the price that you pay and the billing arrangements may change. Your utility remains regulated by the CPUC and serves as your backup supplier.
Who responds in case of emergency?
Under the core aggregation service, the natural gas utility maintains the infrastructure that allows the delivery of the gas to your home of business. If you detect a natural gas leak or have some type of natural gas emergency, immediately call your natural gas utility, not the non-utility supplier.
Who sends me the bill?
Your Callective Energy supply charges will appear as a line item on your regular bill. Pay it as usual, and the utility will remit your supply portion to Callective Energy. If you have questions about your delivery charges, contact your utility. If you have questions about the supply portion of your bill, contact Callective Energy.
How do I support 4Ocean or Plant-It?
If you decide to become a Carbon Neutral Green Gas customer, we will plant a tree through Plant-It 2021 and increase our financial support with 4Ocean. This is done automatically, with nothing else for you to do.
What happened to Blue Spruce Energy?
Blue Spruce is now Callective Energy. We felt it was time to reevaluate and refresh our brand to align more with our values and the causes and organizations we support. Our focus is to build a community committed to reliable energy and a more sustainable future.

Now that you have an understanding of why you have a choice as an energy user, and why energy deregulation is a positive decision for California, see our rates and join Callective Energy now!